Crib Point Community House
Welcome to our Community House.
Whether you are attending a class, an event or just for a cuppa and a chat all are welcomed with a smile and a friendly Hello :)
We are here for you, the community, to provide a base for lifelong learning opportunities, strengthening the community & support to enhance your health, social & economic well-being.
We Have a wonderful assortment of classes and groups here at the Community House.
Arts & Crafts
Health & Wellbeing
Parents &
General Interest
Young People
For a copy of the program click the 'Program Image' for a PDF version.
About Us
Located in Park Road, The House serves as more than just a venue for classes and social activities. It also functions as a hub for health service information, support groups, and referrals. At The House, visitors can utilize computers, access the internet, join one of many social and informative classes or even hire rooms.
For those interested in taking part, The House provides numerous opportunities. Whether you're looking to join a class or group, volunteer, join the committee, or share your skills by tutoring others, The House is the ideal place to meet people and get involved.
For further details about the activities and services offered at the Crib Point Community House, you can reach out by calling 5983 9888, where the dedicated volunteers will be delighted to assist you.
Click on the 'Community' button to find out more information.