Our Team.

Co-Ordinator - Mary Budd
Has been at the Community House for the most part of 39 years.
Mary is always available to help and is always after ideas for classes, workshops, talks or groups.
Maybe you have a group that is looking for a venue to meet, Mary can help with that too

Assistant Manager
Kerri Campbell
Has been with the Community House for many years as a volunteer and Committee member.
Kerri now takes care of our website and Facebook page and anything Mary want's to throw at her.

Is an office volunteer who loves patchwork and sewing.
Barbara also helps the sewers in our Material Girls group and organizing our Quilt, Art & Cake Expo.

Could This Be You?
Would you like to learn more about helping out at the Community House?
Or perhaps you would like to host a class or volunteer at one of wonderful events.
If this is something you may be interested in call 0359839888 to find out more

Manages stallholder bookings for the monthly community market and keeps tabs on the Crib Point Community Market FB page. Michelle is also a valued Community House committee member.